Friday, February 25, 2011

Taking Care of Business

Hello All,

After much debate, I have decided to start a makeup blog. Until I can come up with the "perfect & affordable" website for me, this will be it. May not be as professional as some snazzy website, but it will do for now.
I am very excited for the rest of this year. Last year I made a lot of changes. Personally and Professionally. For years I have worked in the cosmetic industry. My ultimate goal has always been to be a trainer. I love makeup and wanted to share my knowledge and education with others. But with this economy those jobs are few and far between these days. Plus a little thing called "LELAND" changed my life. I had always been so career driven, but becoming a Mommy changed me in more ways then I ever thought possible. With that, the idea of traveling and leaving my baby 5 days a week went on the back burner!! I put makeup on hold and was in full time Mommy mode.

But now that my little munchkin is growing and becoming more independant, so has my desire to dive back into the work force. Over the past 15 years, I have always worked one if not two jobs. So not having an "offical" job was very weird to me. Don't get me wrong, quitting Dillards was one of the best things that I have EVER done! Now I had freedom. Freedom to work for whom ever I want, when ever I want. Its called Freelancing. It is awesome! But going from no jobs to "5" or so jobs was kind of insane. Freelance work is few and far between, so most of us work for several companies in hopes of making some money, but on the downside, they all seem to want you on the same day! Which doesn't always work out.
Which brings me to my new adventure. I have always done weddings on the side while working as a makeup artist. But in the lovely land of retail we only get one weekend off a month. So I wasn't able to do as many brides as I wanted too, but still have done several over the years. Heres where I could kick myself though...I never asked for photographers names or got copies of professional pics from all of this beautiful work!
Here I was helping brides look gorgeous and only taking pics of them on my cell phone =/

So here I am today, deciding to join a group of vendors here in Jacksonville, Fl and focus on weddings!! I have been very blessed so far up to this point just booking brides from word of mouth. Now I am hoping by joining this lovely group of ladies, that we can all grow our business and have a very successful future together!

I am very excited about this and can't wait to see the year unfold! So if you are reading this and need a makeup artist or know someone who does, let me know!! I have decided to post some pics from weddings that I have done on here to give viewers who aren't a fan or don't have a facebook acct a chance to see my work. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.
xo, Linz

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